FAQ’s with Gestational Diabetes:
BREATHE, that is my 1st and best and continued guidance that I will give when going through ANYTHING with pregnancy. Yes, your Dr, MA or RN just called to give you the news and now you feel you have done something wrong…
You are frustrated, you have so many questions and you just want you and your baby to be okay. Hear me out, educating yourself and learning about the foods, hydration, physical activity and mindfulness will guide you in being the best version of you for YOURSELF and baby. There are many women who don’t look further then receiving “the call” who have increase weight gain, increase insulin usage and go through most of their pregnancy feeling tired, mad and sad. But what if you look beyond this as a just a “scary” diagnosis and look deeper at knowing how your body is regulated.
Below are some of the most common questions I receive when one is first diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes:
1. Why ME? In the United States Gestational Diabetes affects 6%-9% of pregnant women (1). You are more likely to get gestational diabetes if you (2)
Were overweight before you got pregnant
Non-white race
Have a family history of diabetes
Have had gestational diabetes with another pregnancy
Have had high blood pressure or other medical complications
Have previously given birth to a large baby (greater than 9 pounds)
Have given birth to a baby that was stillborn or had certain birth defects
*But like any other health condition, we will never know for sure what caused it and remember although some of the risk factors we can control, some are not within your control (like family history). So continue to BREATHE.
2. Do I REALLY have to POKE my finger and check my blood sugars? With Gestational Diabetes your blood sugar is already higher than it should be through pregnancy and can cause some serious problems, which most are totally in your control with keeping blood sugars in check. (3) If you don’t choose to monitor your blood sugar these are possible outcomes:
Larger baby (macrosomia), which is cause for increase c-section risks
Early (pre-term) birth and respiratory distress in baby
Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) in infant
Later in life baby developing Type 2 Diabetes
Mom developing pre-eclampsia (pregnancy induced high blood pressure) and future Type 2 Diabetes
3. Where should my blood sugars be? Research demonstrates the following to be guidelines:
· Fasting 65-90mg/dl
· 1-hr post meals: 100-130mg/dl
· 2-hr post meals: less than 120mg/dl
*Please discuss your target range with your doctor. Most doctors will have you check your blood sugars 4x/day, if you require insulin or medication to manage you may be asked to check blood sugars before meals too.
Keeping track of your blood sugars will allow you to make a baseline assessment of your typically eating habits and routine before you make any changes. It helps you see the changes in your blood sugar and can help you better understand how physical activity, what you eat, hydration and stress can affect your blood sugar levels. It can also provide a great guideline for your care team in making the best plan for YOU!
*Get your FREE blood sugar log
Till next time, there is no better time than the present to learn how to control your blood sugars and make this a happy and healthy pregnancy.