Why PROBIOTICS while you are Pregnant?
What are probiotics anyways..Well the word “pro” mean GOOD..like in pro’s vs. cons and the word “biotics” means living things such as bacteria.
So probiotics means, GOOD LIVING THINGS. (1)
Healthy vaginal flora is crucial to baby’s health. Healthy vaginal flora helps give baby’s immune system a good start. Babies also continue to receive beneficial bacteria through breastfeeding and being held skin to skin.
When mamas consume probiotics, the health benefits also find their way into breast milk and are passed on to baby. Breast milk is actually the source of our first immune-building “good” bacteria. Since baby’s gut bacteria continues to culture throughout the nursing time, it is great for mama to continue taking probiotics throughout postpartum too. Research has also found evidence that a probiotic given in pregnancy can help prevent or treat symptoms of postnatal depression and anxiety.
Taking a probiotic throughout pregnancy can decrease babies’ chances of obtaining: (2) :
· Allergies
· Asthma
· Eczema/psoriasis
· Diabetes
· Obesity
· Colic
It has also been studied that supplementing with probiotics during pregnancy can reduce the risk of high blood sugars or gestational diabetes. (3)
Consuming fermented foods is one way to ensure your body is getting plenty of that “good bacteria.” Food such as:
Yogurt (no sugar added)
Raw Sauerkraut
Apple Cider Vinegar
Miso and Natto
Are great additions to an overall healthy eating pattern.
Many of the listed foods if not consumed daily, a recommendation for pharmaceutical grade probiotic supplement would be encouraged. My favorite brand for our entire family is MegaSporebiotic. Not only does it require NO refrigeration, which means it can last throughout the harsh environment of the stomach’s temperature and acidity, but it is also pharmaceutical grade (meaning the company tests EVERY vitamin and what they claim on the bottle means it is actually in EVERY vitamin). There are so many more reasons why I love this probiotic, you can find it here and receive 10% off:(4)